Visual Studio Online Update - May 22th
This week we are deploying our sprint 82 work for Visual Studio Online. This is a very BIG deployment - lot's stuff. You can read the release notes.
First and foremost Build.VNext is here! It is now in Public Preview and everyone can try it. We also now have a hosted build pool so you don't have to install a local build agent on Windows if you don't want to. if you want to build on Linux or the Mac OS, you will still need to setup up local agent for now.
Since I offered a early peek at Build.VNext on my blog a month or so ago. I've been inundated with people requesting to have their account enabled,. It's been really great to see how much interest there has been. Now everyone has it and you don't need to ask for it any longer.
I've also gotten a ton of questions about enabling something akin to gated checkin and checkin policies for Git. This deployment introduces branch policies that enable this. We have not yet exposed an extensibility mechanism but plan to in the future. For now we have a build policy that's akin to gated checkin and a code review policy. Very cool.
This deployment also brings a bunch of agile planning enhancements that I thank you are going to love.
Abdurrahman Kasım TÖK
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